Number of Books Read Today: 1
Number of Pages Read Today: 48
Total Number of Books I've Read: 3
Total Number of Pages I've Read: 448
Books: {Started} "Succubus on Top" By Richelle Mead
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If you like the show Supernatural...

Then you should try reading...
Because like in Supernatural there is a badass MC who is going around killing off bad paranormals. It is packed full of supernatural creatures that you may or may not have ever heard of before, has funny, witty banter, and some pretty sexy creatures in there as well. PLUS the best part is that the MC is a badass female!
I absolutely love this series and definitely think everyone in the world should try it regardless if you like Supernatural or not, because it's a great book. BUT if you are a fan of Supernatural you might be more likely to love it as much as I do =D
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