
Monday, September 10, 2012

Question of the Moment 110

Have you ever bought or wanted to buy a book sole-y based on your love for the cover?

I don't know if you guys have put this together or not, but I am a cover whore!! I absolutely love and judge covers on a regular basis, and yea they totally effect if I am willing to read them or not if I haven't heard of them before. I have honestly had a few times where I have bought a book or requested a book for the cover. Sure I read the description so I knew I was probably going to like it, but I couldn't tell you what they were about until I read them, because I was too in love with the cover to remember the synopsis.  Here are a few I have done this with. I can only tell you right now what 5 of these are about, only because I have read them or their descriptions stand out in my head. The rest I have read the description on, but I don't remember what they are about, but I know I MUST HAVE THEM!

Have you bought a book based only on the cover? Let me know in the comments below =]