
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Top Ten Words That Make Me NOT Pick Up A Book

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week there will be a new topic for everyone to create a top ten list with. 

This Weeks Topic:
Top Ten Words That Make Me NOT Pick Up A Book

10. Fantasy
One genre that I have very mixed feelings with is Fantasy. I don't really like Fantasy, because it is just that; Fantasy. I don't like reading about pixies or faeries or other fantasy-esq things. It's just not for me, so when I read the word Fantasy in the description or genre I usually stay away from it.

9. Faeries
Like I mentioned above I don't like Fantasy, and usually a big part of fantasy novels are faeries. They are just not the creature for me. I've never liked Faeries. Even as a kid I didn't really like Tinkerbell. She just wasn't for me. Crazy little flying things that sparkle and light up just don't seem tough enough for me.

8. Children/Troubled Marriage
I don't have children nor am I married so books with these topics don't appeal to me. I think even when I do get married I won't be interested in reading about troubled ones. I barely like hearing about real peoples relationship problems, the last thing I want to do is read about them. The children's topic also goes with kids books/middle grade books. Books targeted towards children are definitely not my reads of choice either.

7. Classic
I know some people might hate me for this, but I do not like classic novels. Honestly, I hate them. I don't even get why they are classics. They are boring and censored and dull. Make kids read some of the popular YA books out there with the same messages behind them and they will have a much better reading experience. Like who exactly is in control of deciding what books are classics? Probably some old, wrinkled man who doesn't like fun. lol

6. History/War
Another word that people might despise me for, history. I hate history. It has almost been my most hated course. Every time I have had to take a history class I have wanted to kill myself, so when I see books that are based on real life events from history I do not want to read it at all. The only thing that hints at these topics that I still like are steampunks and dystopians. I will read those no problem, but definitely not historical fictions.

5. Poetry
Ugh, I must not be a "girl" or something, because I also hate poetry. It just doesn't appeal to me at all. I almost feel like poetry is only for fools and con artists, because honestly I could write three words on a page and say its a poem and people would buy it and pay me for copies. How ridiculous is that? In my creative writing class we had a poetry section and I just thought what I was reading was complete bull. Sorry poetry fans, don't hate me lol.

4. Taboo
Taboo topics really just make my skin crawl. I know there are some books out there that are on taboo topics that are huge sellers and get great reviews from my fellow bloggers, but I will not read them. It freaks me out when I read books about step brother/sister relationships, or cousins, or whatever. They just make me say "gross!" and I don't want to read them.

3. Sci-Fi
I know its silly, but I can't read science ficition books, because I can't believe them. They are way too far fetched. I can watch a science fiction movies or tv show, and enjoy it a lot, but I can't read about it. It's silly because I can believe in aliens, vampires, werewolves, mermaids etc., but when it comes to crazy science I'm lost. For example I love the show Game of Thrones, but I would probably be calling a hotline if I tried reading the books.

2. Non-Fiction
I read the escape reality, the last thing I am going to want to do is read about reality lol. I think that sums it up enough.

1. Biography
And at the top of my hate list are biographies. Number one, I don't like people. I would rather donate my time at an animal hospital than a human hospital. I know, that's terrible but its the truth. So, I really don't want to read about someone's life and how terrible it was/is and how they overcame those struggles. I just don't care enough.